Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Denver Police Sergeant sends email that says Obama is the antichrist

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com

Yesterday we had a brick smash the Colorado Democratic Party's window. Today we have a Denver Police Sergeant sending out ridiculous lies about Barack Obama using the department's email system.

9Wants to Know has learned that an e-mail suggesting a presidential candidate is the antichrist was sent from a Denver Police sergeant's computer to several other officers and friends.

A copy of the e-mail was forwarded to 9Wants to Know by a Denver officer who said it should be exposed because it was wrong to send this type of e-mail by a police officer using DPD computers.

Monday, Denver Police Chief Gerry Whitman began an investigation saying this “appears to be unauthorized use of the city e-mail system.” - 9News

The Hate Talk Express rides on.